Friday, January 11, 2008


My brother is in Science stream. So freaking weird. I thought my whole family will be in Arts. And it'll be like some kind of er..I don't know. He broke the freaking whatever it is. Can someone tell me what's the word. Totally blanked. Ya. Saw him came back with one load of all those science books. Borrowed from my cousin. Then I just realized and told Aaron. "Boy, we won't be able to help you in these subs." Aish. Hopefully he'll do well. My dad wants him to do it. When he told us. All of us sisters including Kelly just laughed out loud. *so mean of us*
We're like thinking. Don't think he can do it. But he seems determined? Oh well. Hopefully he'll study harder and less dota.

Waiting for Jac to pick me up! Having lunch. Damn lazy to call other peeps. Maybe will call when I get in the car. Need to call the center. Prayers!!!! Need them!!! Hehe.

Have to pick my car up later. Sent it for service. I tried to ignore the red light that keeps blinking twice a day. I guess its the black oil thingy. Hehe. Ya. I'm gonna try to get back to blogging everyday. ><

Choonie..I'm gonna get that key chain from Mei. Mei!!!! Remember to pass me the key chain from Choonie. I'll remind you tonight. If we're going anywhere that is.
So long wan that babi Jac. Aish. K. Ciaoz~

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