Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I just found out that my family already booked rooms for Penang. I'm going Penang in December. The same freaking week as my finals!!!!! I don't know how many freaking times I'm not able to go!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!

But anyway, nothing to fret about yet. Cause since I think I'm gonna be barred for Moral. And that's the only exam I will be sitting. I only took two subs this sem. The other one is 100% assignments. So, I think I'm already barred. Already skipped like 3 weeks of classes. That's like damn obvious I'm barred de right? Aish. Babiness wei!

Anyway, I just got back from McD's with my mum, Aunty Jane and 3 of me sisters. So freaking full now. I'm gonna be so damn fat! I think I already am anyway.

Aish. My mum just interrupted me. I don't remember what I wanted to blog de.

And Yee Hui. Why you trying to post like me~!!!!!! Hehe.

Oh noz! My assignment. *sob* Time to stress. Damn lazy to stress on it wei! OK. Tomorrow. Must sit down and finish all freaking 8 pages! *that is if I'm not lazy which seldom happens*
I realize my blog don't have much pictures. Wait. I go buy new handphone. Then it'll be full of pictures you'll be so damn sick of it. Hehe.

What handphone should I buy eh. Suggestions?

Zhang!!!!!!!!! I want the pictures in my camera. When the heck are you gonna send it over! Stupid babi. Oh, and in your phone too! Okz?


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